Wow! What a great day to cruise on upper Lake Michigan from Petoskey to Elk rapids, about 55 miles on the GPS. Apart from some early morning fog just out of Petoskey and a 2 ft chop around Charlevoix the seas were calm and the sun was shinning.
There is so much to see and do in these ports that it is impossible to accomplish much in the day or two that we are not moving. We hit it right... appa-teasers at the City Grill and drinks 1/2 price on weekdays. The Calamari and sampler platter was a meal in itself.
We are very glad we toted the bikes and rode a small portion of the extensive bike trails from Harbor springs to Charlvoix, they have over 20 miles of very improved paths. There are scenic overlooks, picnic areas and the portion we rode was on the shoreline. Gotta do this in the fall to appreciate the seasons change. We figure that we have used the bikes for groceries, West Marine supplies and touring to the extent of 30 miles so far. They have been easy to stow but do not add any sense of order to the decks and the handle bars are in almost all photos from the bridge of the boat.
Just before entering the Elk Rapids Harbor I did some snorkeling. The water was 20 feet deep but the bottom was easily visible. The water was almost aqua blue and the photos are straight from the camera without any filters to change the light refraction. Like being in the Caribbean but fresh water and 66 degrees!,+mi&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS259US259&um=1&ie=UTF-8&split=0&gl=us&ei=xRugSv_dEc6w8QbDwfTzDw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1
Thanks for traveling with us,
Tom & Connie
Cat's Away/Elk Rapids, MI
Next destination Northport (tomorrow)
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